How to Repair Broken Dentures

Dentures can be a lifesaver for those missing teeth, restoring both function and confidence. However, accidents happen, and dentures can break. Don’t worry – repairing broken dentures doesn’t have to be a daunting task. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of repairing your dentures, providing insights, expert tips, and answers to frequently asked questions. Visit to learn more.

Key Takeaways:

  • Carefully assess the extent of damage before proceeding with denture repairs.
  • Acquire a denture repair kit containing adhesive, bonding material, and necessary tools.
  • Ensure dentures are thoroughly cleaned and dried before starting the repair process.
  • Utilise denture adhesive for minor cracks and chips, pressing broken parts together firmly.
  • Choose bonding material from the repair kit for more extensive damage, following instructions closely.
  • After repair, gently file excess bonding material and polish the area for a smooth finish.
  • Wear repaired dentures to check for comfort and alignment, making adjustments if necessary.
  • Handle dentures with care over a soft surface to prevent accidental damage from drops.
  • Complex repairs are best left to professionals; avoid improper DIY fixes.
  • Maintain dentures with regular cleaning and soaking to keep them in good condition.
  • Keep a denture repair kit at home for temporary fixes until professional assistance is available.
  • Opt for denture repair kits over household glue or superglue for safe and effective repairs.
  • Repair costs vary based on the severity of damage, with minor repairs generally more affordable.
  • Seek professional help for complex repairs; denture repair experts ensure thorough fixes.
  • Repair duration depends on the complexity; simple fixes can be completed within hours.
  • Prevent damage by handling dentures carefully, avoiding hard foods, and maintaining proper care.

denture repair

How to Repair Broken Dentures

Dentures can break due to various reasons, such as dropping them on a hard surface or biting down on something hard. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to repair them:

1. Assess the Damage

Before you begin any repair, carefully examine the denture to assess the extent of the damage. Identify the areas that need repair, such as cracks, chips, or broken sections.

2. Gather Necessary Supplies

To repair your dentures, you’ll need a denture repair kit, which can be purchased from most drugstores. These kits typically include adhesive, bonding material, and tools required for the repair.

3. Clean the Dentures

Thoroughly clean the dentures with warm water to remove any debris or dirt. Make sure they’re completely dry before proceeding with the repair.

4. Apply Denture Adhesive

For minor cracks or chips, you can use denture adhesive to hold the pieces together. Apply a small amount of adhesive to the broken surfaces and press them together firmly.

5. Use Bonding Material

For more extensive repairs, use the bonding material provided in the repair kit. Follow the kit’s instructions to mix the bonding material and apply it to the broken areas. Hold the pieces in place until the material sets.

6. File and Polish

Once the bonding material is set, gently file any excess material and polish the repaired area. This will ensure a smooth and natural finish.

7. Test for Comfort

After repairing the dentures, wear them and check for any discomfort or misalignment. Make necessary adjustments if needed.

Tips for Successful Denture Repair

  • Handle with Care: Dentures are delicate, so handle them over a soft surface to prevent further damage if they slip from your hands.
  • Avoid DIY Fixes: While repairing dentures at home is possible, complex repairs should be left to professionals. DIY fixes can sometimes lead to irreversible damage.
  • Regular Maintenance: Proper denture care can prevent the need for frequent repairs. Clean them daily and soak them in denture solution to keep them in good condition.
  • Emergency Kit: Keep a denture repair kit at home for minor fixes. This can be a quick solution until you can visit a professional.


Can I repair dentures using household glue?

Household glue is not recommended for repairing dentures. Denture repair kits are specifically designed for this purpose and ensure a safe and effective fix.

How much does denture repair cost?

The cost of denture repair can vary depending on the extent of the damage. Minor repairs may be affordable, while major repairs could be more expensive.

Can I superglue my dentures?

Superglue is not safe for repairing dentures, as it can contain harmful chemicals. Stick to denture repair kits to ensure the safety of your oral health.

Is it possible to repair dentures without professional help?

Minor repairs can be done at home using denture repair kits. However, for complex repairs, seeking professional assistance is recommended.

How long do denture repairs typically take?

Simple repairs can be completed within a few hours, while more complex repairs may take a day or two. It’s best to follow the instructions provided with your denture repair kit.

Can I prevent denture damage?

While accidents happen, you can reduce the risk of denture damage by handling them carefully, avoiding hard foods, and following proper denture care routines.


Repairing broken dentures doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. With the right tools, materials, and a little patience, you can restore your dentures and keep your smile shining. Remember to follow the steps outlined in this guide and prioritize proper denture care to minimize the need for repairs in the future.